Mark Mosher Multimedia

Finish Out Your Thanksgiving Weekend with the Denver Synth_Drone Collective

If you are in Denver this Thanksgiving weekend stop by on Sunday November 26th Textures Ambient Showcase at Mutiny Cafe in Denver. The Denver Synth_Drone collective will be the only act and we’ll be performing from 7pm-10pm. Here is the event link. I’ll be both playing music with the collective and providing visuals for the entire evening.


About the Denver Synth_Drone Collective

The Denver Synth_Drone collective is made up of artists bios+a+ic, Kuxaan Sum, Mark Mosher, Chris Sessions, Sean Patrick Faling, and Chris Frain.

The collective does improv limited by the following rules. Each member plays:

  1. One synth at a time
  2. Only a single note at a time

Of course once a note is triggered members can change the timber and pitch any way they like. It makes for super interesting drones, chords, textures, and movement.

To get a sense for this, check out a recording of our last performance on bandcamp

Notes on My Rig

For this show I’m doing visuals which means I’ll be using a Windows 10 laptop with a touchscreen. To keep the rig lean, I’ll use the laptop for my audio rig as well.  For visuals I’ll be using live camera input and video field recordings from my travels.

Swing by my artist site for my detailed Gig Notes on this rig.



Mark Mosher

Mark Mosher Multimedia

Ableton Ableton Live Ableton Live 6 Absynth Analog Four Boulder Cakewalk Colorado Concert Controllerism Denver Digitone Electronic Music Elektron experimental music free live pack Halloween image-line Improvisation live Mark Mosher Mark Mosher Music Musique concrète Octatrack Percussa percussa audiocubes Podcast Push 2 resolume Sampler Samplers Sonic Encounters Sound Design Soundscape Soundscapes Synth Synthesis Synthesizer Synthesizers Tenori-On Theremin U-HE Video VST Waldorf Blofeld